Woodstock Downtown is considered one of the country's most successful revitalizations of a historic downtown. The project started with a joint effort of the development team and the City of Woodstock to create a Downtown Master Plan as a part of the Atlanta Regional Commission's Livable Centers Initiative. Woodstock Downtown sits on 32 acres that hold 300 single family homes, condos, apartments and townhomes, with restaurants, shops and offices occupying 1000 yards along Main Street. In the five years following the 2012 completion of Woodstock Downtown, over 1,000 new homes were built within a half-mile walk.
Since then, virtually every property in downtown has been revitalized and refreshed with high quality uses. As a result, property values in the Downtown Woodstock TAD grew from $32 million in 2006 to $354 million in 2021, an astonishing 1,100% increase.